現在進行形の素晴らしい働き A Wonderful Work in Progress


現在進行形の素晴らしい働き A Wonderful Work in Progress





…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 1:6)

I am so busy with so many deadlines, projects and things to do.  When one gets finished, I feel good for a moment but then it’s on to the next one!  Sometimes it feels good to finish what we have to do because it is tiring to work on the same thing for a long time. 

God is working on a project as well: us!  He began a good work in us and he will see it to completion.  He will make us more like Jesus Christ in our preparation to be with him.  This is good news because even though we get tired of our projects, God is patient and never grows tired or weary.  Plus, he is doing something in us even though we may not be paying attention.  We may not be aware, but he is working on us through everyday things.  He is building our patience.  He is teaching us to be faithful.  He is giving us opportunities to be gracious to others.  I’m happy to finish my short-term projects, but so thankful God hasn’t given up on me.  He hasn’t given up on you either.  We are his wonderful works-in-progress!