怒りの歌 An Angry Song


怒りの歌 An Angry Song




この詩は怒りをぶつけたロックの歌詞ではありません。実は詩篇の中の歌なのです(109:9-10 ※日本語訳は私訳です)。さらに言うなら、あのダビデ王が歌ったものです。ダビデは、神様の御心に適った人と言われています。彼にも大きな過ちはありましたが、その生涯について読んでいくと、彼が普通の人よりも優れていたことが分かります。彼は神様を熱心に求めて、正しい行いをしていました。しかし詩篇109篇や、それと同様の箇所では、とても暗い時期を過ごした人の魂を見ることができます。ダビデは自分を裏切った敵について語ります。彼は正義を求めていますが、それ以上に、敵の子どもと妻にもその罪に対する罰がくだることを望んでいるのです。

この言葉を読んで私はショックを受けました。なぜこんなことが聖書に書かれているのか? この言葉は、神様が私たちに望んでいる隣人愛と矛盾しているのではないか?イエス様は敵を愛するようにと言わたのではないか? このダビデの暗い詩を読んで、私はいくつかのことを考えました。






May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow.
May his children be wandering beggars;
may they be driven from their ruined homes.

The verses above are not the lyrics of an angry rock song.  They are lyrics to a Psalm (109:9-10).   Moreover, they are a song of King David.  David is said to be a man after God’s own heart.  David had major flaws too, but if you read about his life you would agree he was probably better than your average man.  He had a passion for God and doing what was right.  But Psalm 109 and others like it are a glimpse into the soul of a man at a very dark time.  David is talking about an enemy who betrayed him. He wants justice, but even more, he wants the man’s sins to be paid for by his children and wife. 

I was shocked to read some of these words.  Why are they even in the Bible?  Don’t they contradict the love God wants us to have for others?  Didn’t Jesus tell us to love our enemies?  Reading David’s dark lyrics made me think several things: 

1.     God wants us to be honest with him

David’s thoughts are harsh, and probably not correct.  But they are his prayer to God.  We can bring all of our thoughts to God.  He can handle them.  We don’t have to act good in front of God.  God gives us a safe place to be honest with him.  We can’t work through our anger and unforgiveness if we are not able to be honest about it first.

2.     God has given us a place of justice and forgiveness

David didn’t have the full revelation of God through Jesus Christ.  When we have thoughts of anger and unforgiveness, we can take them to the cross of Jesus.  The anger we feel for our enemies was taken out on him.  The punishment we deserve for our wrongs was forgiven by him there. 

Reading the Psalms shows us that our feelings of justice are important, but now we don’t have to leave them unfinished as an angry song.  Jesus took the full wrath of God for all wrongdoing.  It’s only through the cross that we can give up hating our enemies and forgive them instead.