変化を恐れるということ Scared of Change
この季節になるとクリスマスの話をよく考えますが、そのたびにいつも驚かされる場面があります。東方の博士たちは、ユダヤ人の王が生まれたことが分かったので、星に導かれて礼拝に訪れます。このときの地元の人々の反応はどうだったでしょうか? 彼らは「恐れ惑った」(「問題を抱えた」あるいは「かき乱された」)というのです。ヘロデ王は、新しい王が自分の権力を脅かすと思ったので恐れ惑いました。でも、なぜエルサレム全体が恐れ惑ったのでしょうか。エルサレムの人々は、メシアの到来によって神の正義が支配する新しい時代が来ることを望んでいたのではないでしょうか? ローマ帝国の統治が終わるという可能性に興奮していたのではないでしょうか?
2020年は信じられないような変化の年でしたが、私たちがこの変化にどのように向き合うのかを試される年でもありました。イエス様が私たちの世界に来られ、私たちの生活に介入するということは、そこに根本的な変化が起きるということです。その変化は、罪からの解放、永遠のいのちが与えられる未来、そして現在の満たされた人生です。イエス様が地上に来られたとき、人々は自分で人生を支配し続けることを望んだので、イエス様がもたらす変化に抵抗しました。それから2000年後を生きる私たちの場合はどうでしょうか? イエス様を訪問した博士たちは、クリスマスの物語における偉大な模範となっています。彼らは新しいユダヤ人の王様を礼拝するために遠いところを旅してきました。彼らにならって私たちもイエス様が与えてくださる変化を受け入れませんか? 今年も来年以降も、イエス様が予期せぬ旅に連れて行ってくださることを受け入れませんか? 変化を恐れていると、イエス様のことを深く知るという祝福を逃すことになりますよ。
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. (Matthew 2:1-3)
As we consider the Christmas story in this season, there is one section I am always surprised by. Wise men from the east see a star and come to worship, because they understand that the King of the Jews has been born. What is the reaction of the local people? They are “disturbed” (troubled, or stirred up). King Herod is disturbed because he feels the new king is a threat to his power. But why was all of Jerusalem disturbed? Weren’t they waiting for a Messiah who was promised to lead them into a new age of God’s righteous reign? Weren’t they excited at the possibility of getting rid of the Roman government?
They were scared. Herod was a terrible ruler, but some Jews tried to get his favor. If he’s upset maybe I should be too. I’m on Herod’s side now. Or others didn’t have any good expectation of a new king. Their past experience showed that kings were terrible, but they thought a new king might be even worse….it’s better not to change anything. The visit of the Magi is proof that something extraordinary had happened, but the people living in Jerusalem didn’t want to look too closely into it.
2020 was a year of incredible change, and a year that tested how we deal with changes. Jesus coming into our world and coming into our lives means a radical change. That change is freedom from condemnation, a future of eternal life, and a full life now. When Jesus arrived on the earth, people resisted his change because they wanted to keep control of life. For us many years later, how will we respond? The great example in the story are the Magi, who traveled a large distance to find the king of the Jews and worship him. Will we allow Jesus to change our lives? Will we allow Jesus to take us on an unexpected journey this year and beyond? Don’t miss out on the blessings of knowing Jesus for fear of change.