身近な人への愛 Local Love
(レビ19:18, 33, 34)
隣人への愛はすぐ近くにいる人から始める、ということを心得ておく必要があります。 毎日関わっている人たち、家族や親しい友人だからこそ、愛を示す機会も多くなるのは当然です。一番そばにいる人々に愛を示すことは、私たちの愛が試される機会となります。なぜなら、そばにいるからこそ、お互いの欠点がよく見えてしまうからです!しかし、自己中心の思いを捨てて周りの人のことを考えるようにすると、私たちは人間的に成長し、イエス様に似た者となっていくことができるのです。
Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
(Leviticus 19:18,33,34)
A few weeks ago in our series from the book of James, we talked about “love your neighbor as yourself.” James says this is the antidote to showing favoritism or discrimination. This command first appears in Leviticus which contains many laws for the people of Israel. The first time it appears, it is talking about having a grudge or disagreement with “your people”, other Israelites.
It’s important for us to know that loving our neighbor starts with people who are close to us. It only makes sense that we have the most opportunity to show love to those we are involved with every day: family and close friends. A regular practice of love with those closest to us is truly challenging. They see our weaknesses clearly and we see theirs! But putting our selfishness aside to think about those around us will shape us and help us to become more like Jesus.
Notice that in verse 33 God doesn’t stop there. The foreigner living among the Israelites was also to be considered as a neighbor worthy of love. We practice love locally with those around us, like our family. But God wants us to also grow from there and extend our love to those around us with whom we may not feel comfortable with. Let your love be an act that starts locally but goes out to those you may not have considered to be your neighbor.