福音はどこから? The Gospel’s Origin
イエス・キリストのメッセージは、人間がうまく作り上げた話でしょうか? それとも、神様が直接与えてくださったものでしょうか? この質問はあまり重要とは思えないかもしれませんが、実はクリスチャンの信仰の核心と言ってもよいものです。
I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ. (Galatians 1:11-12)
Is the message of Jesus Christ a well-crafted story written by people? Or is it something directly from God? It may not seem like an important question but it is central to the faith of Christians.
Paul is writing to the Galatians and re-explaining the gospel he already preached to them. They were having trouble because they started to change their beliefs due to teachers with false ideas. He has to explain the important background to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If people created a story that you believe in, that story is only as trustworthy as the person who created it. We all admire different people and may agree with what they say, but humans have weaknesses and they are not always correct. After some time, someone else might come up with a different story and we could easily change our minds.
Paul explains that he did not know about Jesus from anyone’s story. Jesus Christ himself appeared to Paul and revealed the truth to him. Then Paul told other people of this truth. This truth was the same as the testimony of people who had really lived with Jesus.
When we hear about Jesus today, we hear from people who explain Paul’s teaching and the testimony of the disciples. Still we have to decide: is this the teaching of nice people, or is this coming directly from God? God still must reveal himself directly to us and work in our hearts for us to believe the gospel, just like he did to Paul. If the Bible and the gospel are nice human stories, their impact on us is limited. But if God reveals his truth to us directly, it changes our lives and gives us a foundation to live on.
Where do you believe the gospel comes from?