ユニークな共同体 A Unique Community
(使徒の働き 2:44)
All the believers were together and had everything in common.
(Acts 2:44)
On Sunday, we considered what a church is and what a church experience can be. From Acts 2, a group of Jews from all over Europe and the Middle East lived together in Jerusalem. They were united in their belief in Jesus Christ and desire to love those around them. A few things stand out about the first church that we can understand in our church context 2000 years later:
Church is a community experience
Church is not a Sunday event or an organizational meeting. Church is about people coming together and sharing our lives. It is a local experience. It is an interactive experience. The early church involved sharing meals together, so you can imagine there was an investment of time and a closeness of relationship. Worshipping God was always a community experience in the Old Testament as well. God commanded Israel to gather for special celebrations and ceremonies. The church is the continuation of learning to love God and your neighbor. We must continue this spirit in modern times as technology and our busy lives have an isolating effect on us.
Church is a diverse experience
We often look for social circles where people are most similar to ourselves, and sometimes we do the same for church. But the first church was very diverse from the very start. Even though the believers were from a common Jewish background, they were raised in different parts of the world, spoke different languages, and were influenced heavily by other cultures such as Greek culture. We find out later in Acts that they were economically very different as well. Some were poor widows, while others were wealthy landowners. We must embrace and seek diversity in the church and show the world what the Kingdom of God looks like on earth.
These are some of the factors make the church one of the most unique communities you’ll find. Where else in society would people very different from each other come together willingly and lovingly?