私の残りものを与える Giving My Extra


私の残りものを与える Giving My Extra



自分の畑で一生懸命育てた作物を貧しい人に無償で与えるというのは、あまり公平ではないように思えます。しかしこの律法は、神様が困っている人を探し出し、私たちが彼らの必要に応えるようにされることを示しています。私たちのほとんどは農業を営んでいるわけではないのですが、困っている人たちに何かを与えることはできるのではないでしょうか? 私たちの中で助けを必要としている人はいないでしょうか? 神様は私たちに多くの食料を与えて下さいました。それは私たちが自分のために取っておくためではありません。私たちの余っている物資、時間、または世話を必要としている人が周りにいないか探してみましょう。それが神様の御心であり、私たちも神様の子どもとして同じようにすることを期待されているのです。

“‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and for the foreigner residing among you. I am the LORD your God.'” (Lev 23:22)

In our series called House of Bread, we followed the story of Ruth, a poor widow who came to Bethlehem from another country in search of a new life and redemption.  Without money and property to grow crops, her only way to get food was to collect leftover scraps during the harvest.  God gave a specific command that Israelites were not to harvest their fields completely.  They were to leave some wheat untouched so the poor and foreigners could live off them.

It doesn’t seem very fair that a field you own and a harvest you worked hard for should go to a poor person for free.  Yet this law shows that God is looking out for those in need and he wants us to meet the needs of others.  Although most of us are not in agriculture, what extra things can we give to others in need?  Who among us needs help?  God has given us plenty of provision and it’s not for us to keep to ourselves.  Let’s look out for those around us who could be in need of our extra resources, time or even care.  That is God’s heart and he has communicated his expectation for us to do the same as his children.