私のミントの十分の一? 1/10th of my Mint?
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.(Matthew 23:23)
The Bible is a book of wide variety and complexity. It was written over thousands of years to different audiences and by different writers. Some of the instructions and details in the Bible can seem unfamiliar and difficult for us to apply to our modern lifestyles. In the above passage, Jesus is talking to Jewish teachers who were very strict about following the laws God gave to Moses for the people of Israel. Among them, God wanted the Israelites to give 1/10 of what they earned or grew to the Lord. This was a way to remember that everything comes from God and to be thankful to him for life.
Jesus says the teachers are very detailed, even dividing up small spices to give to the Lord, but they have missed the point of other commandments and instructions. There are two important things Jesus says here about the Bible’s instructions:
1. Some commandments are more important than others. Jesus says justice, mercy and faithfulness were more important than giving 1/10 of their belongings. In another passage, Jesus says that loving God is the most important of all the commandments.
2. All the commandments have value. Jesus says that just because one instruction was less important doesn’t mean we should disregard it. All of the teachings of the Bible are useful and can teach and correct us. (2 Timothy 3:16)
When we read the Bible, we should try to understand the principle behind the instructions God gives. For example, giving back something to God helps us remember thankfulness and avoid greed. It is also important to read the Bible together with other believers so we can get an accurate idea of what the application could mean. God gives us the church community so we can read his word and understand it for our lives. It is all useful, so let’s deepen our understanding of God’s word together!