家系に加わる Joining the Family
つまり、イエス様の家系は私たちの家系によく似ているということです! 私たちはみな同じ人間であり、善良で愛情深いこともあれば、英雄のようにふるまうこともあります。かと思えば、深刻な欠点を持っていたり、他人を深く傷つけてしまうこともあります。イエス様は決して完璧な人々の子孫として生まれたわけではありません。イエス様ご自身は人類の中で唯一の完璧な人でした。イエス様は神の御子でありながら、それを誇りとするのではなく、私たち人間の仲間に加わり、私たちの人生の一部となって、私たちのところまで降りてこられたのです。このクリスマスは家系について考えてみましょう。イエス様は不完全な私たちの家系に加わって下さいました。そして今も私たちを神の家系の中に招いておられるのです。
This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham: (Matt 1:1)
It’s nice to see that advent calendars are in many stores around Japan. I grew up counting down the days to Christmas by opening a little paper window representing each day of December. But now that I have an advent calendar for my children, I had no idea what to do with it.
Our advent calendar is made of cloth and each day has a small pocket. I would like the countdown to Christmas to be meaningful so this year I decided on a theme: the family of Jesus. I wrote the names of people who are in the lineage of Jesus on pieces of paper and placed them in the 25 pockets. Starting with Adam and Eve, each day we pull out a new name, talk about them and how they relate to the coming of Jesus.
Matthew 1 and Luke 3 contain genealogies of Jesus, with some variations. Thinking about Jesus’ family was an interesting exercise. There are some honorable people like Enoch, Boaz and Ruth. There are a lot of people who did good things but were flawed. David loved God but comitted murder and adultery. Noah saved mankind but afterwards got drunk and naked. Some people were outright bad: Matthew doesn’t include several evil kings that came after Solomon. Some people had faith but did questionable things (Tamar, Rahab). And many people we know nothing about; probably just average and ordinary people.
In other words, Jesus’ family looks a lot like ours! We are human, capable of being good, loving and heroic. We also have our deep flaws and times when we hurt others greatly. Jesus didn’t come from a line of perfect people. He was the only perfect person who joined humanity. Jesus is the Son of God and yet he wasn’t too proud to join us and be a part of our lives and live on our level. This Christmas let’s think about family: that Jesus has joined our imperfect family, but has also invited us to be in his divine family.