真の令和 The Real Reiwa
この方に、主権と光栄と国が与えられ、諸民、諸国、諸国語の者たちがことごとく、彼に仕えることになった。その主権は永遠の主権で、過ぎ去ることがなく、その国は滅びることがない。(ダニエル 7:14)
With people watching all over Japan, the name of the new era of the emperor was announced. People were excited and hopeful as they heard the name 令和(Reiwa)was unveiled. These characters can mean many things and the prime minister and everyone interviewed on TV seemed to have a different idea about the meaning. One character can be “command” and the other is “peace” but often represents “Japan”. Some people feel hope for a peaceful and successful future while others worried if the name showed nationalism. As Chrisitians, we certainly hope for peace and a bright future, but we know that a new name, a new era, or a new emperor will not bring them about. We have been learning about the Kingdom of God in our recent teaching series. The prophet Daniel had a vision of Jesus when his Kingdom was complete:
He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. (Daniel 7:14)
Let us remember that earthly kings and kingdoms are temporary. Jesus’ kingdom extends outside of Japan to all nations and languages. It will never end. The kingdom we are seeking is one where Jesus` full authority (command) brings us a (peace) that will never end. That is a real 令和 to look forward to.