不快音か福音か? Offensive News or Good News?
兄弟たち、もし私が今でも割礼を宣べ伝えているなら、どうして今なお迫害を受けることがありましょう? それなら、十字架のつまずきは取り除かれているはずです。(ガラテヤ5章11節)
Brothers and sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. (Galatians 5:11)
On Sunday I talked about Jesus’ mission to accept the unaccepted. He came to reach the poor and oppressed. He wanted to tell the good news to those who usually hear bad news. That good news is that God forgives them and welcomes them into salvation. When Jesus tried to talk about God’s heart to reach everyone, even the Gentiles, people in his hometown were offended. They were so offended they tried to throw him off a cliff in the middle of a worship service!
In the next few weeks we will celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. We see his death on the cross as a precious act of love. He died in our place to forgive our sins. But others see the cross as offensive. In the above passage in Galatians, Paul says that Gentiles don’t have to follow Jewish law. They have salvation just by believing in the cross. That was offensive to some Jewish people. In our context, there are a few things I can think of as offensive about the cross.
1) Everyone is forgiven through the cross. Even murderers and terrible criminals can find salvation. Many people feel this is not just. Jesus’ acceptance of all humanity is offensive!
2) The cross is the only way to salvation. People don’t like the idea of one absolute truth. They would like to believe that anyone can go to heaven for any belief or religion. You choose your god and I’ll choose my own.
3) I’m a sinner and Jesus needed to die for me. The idea of being a sinner is offensive. I think I’m a pretty good person. I haven’t broken any major laws. Why do I have to admit that I sinned? Why does God have such a strict standard? God should just be nice and forgive me.
4) Salvation is too easy. Many people are surprised that just believing in Jesus is all you need to have relationship with God. I must have to follow rules and work hard for God for him to accept me right? Most religions require some strict guidelines, why doesn’t Christianity?
Our job is to accept everyone as Jesus did. We need to especially look for the unaccepted. Our job is not to make the cross less offensive. We need to point others to love Jesus showed us through the cross. I am accepted. You are accepted. That is good news!