私のところにとどまりなさい Stay With Me


私のところにとどまりなさい Stay With Me

だれでも先走りをして、キリストの教えのうちにとどまらない者は、神を持っていません。その教えのうちにとどまっている者は、御父をも御子をも持っています。(第二ヨハネ 1:9)




Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. (2 John 1:9)

John warns the reader to continue in the teaching of Christ and not run ahead.  But running ahead seems like a positive idea.  If I want to progress, I need to go forward.  Running forward seems to show that I would be eager to learn and do something new.

I can think of one example when it’s not good to run ahead, because I am a parent.  When my kids are on the street heading to our home, sometimes they want to run ahead of their father and mother.  Then I tell them not to run ahead.  “Stay with me”, I say.  “Hold my hand”, especially if there are cars or other possible dangers. 

In the same way we can understand what John is saying.  Don’t try to run off into some other new idea or teaching.  Continue in the teaching of Christ.  We may want to run ahead to something new.  We might be impatient with the pace of our lives and be looking for something up ahead that is different.  But Jesus says: “Stay with me”.  Whoever stays in the teaching of Christ has the Father and the Son.  Even if it’s not the pace we might want, let’s stay with what Jesus has taught us.  Let us think about what he’s said in the Bible.  Let us encourage each other to continue in him.