「福音」とは何か? What is the “Gospel?”
当時、「良い知らせ」というのは、ある国の王が他の国の土地を征服したとか、大きな戦争で勝利した、という意味で使われていました。イザヤは、バビロンで捕囚の身となったイスラエルの民が再び解放される、という知らせについて述べています。イスラエルの民は悪しき王国から救われ、神の勝利を祝うのです。「あなたの神が王となる!」 あなたがたの神が勝利されたから、今やあなたがたは自由の身なのです。
We often hear the word “gospel”, but what does that word mean? Very basically it means “good news.” What is the good news? Actually, before Jesus came to earth, “good news” was mentioned in the Old Testament in Isaiah:
How lovely on the mountains
Are the feet of him who brings good news,
Who announces peace
And brings good news of happiness,
Who announces salvation,
And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” (Isaiah 52:7)
At that time, “Good news” meant that a king had conquered another land or won a great battle. Isaiah is talking about news that Israelites kept captive in Babylon could be free again. They receive salvation from an evil kingdom and celebrate the victory of God: “Your God reigns!” Your God has won and now you are free.
When Jesus started his ministry, before many of his miracles or even death and resurrection, he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom. The gospel in this case meant something similar to Isaiah. Jesus, the King, reigns and he is here to announce freedom from captivity (to sin). The kingdom is expanding. There is a new boss in town, and he’s a good one.
Jesus said:
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matt 24:14)
The gospel is that Jesus died to forgive our sins and give us eternal life. But first of all, the gospel is that a kingdom is expanding. Tell your friends and neighbors: We don’t have to live as a captive to a life that leads to death. We can follow a new, more powerful, loving king. We can enter a new life that lasts forever but starts now. Let’s tell this good news to all nations…starting with those around us!