最高水準の規範 The Highest Standard


最高水準の規範 The Highest Standard



引用した聖句は、他人をどのように扱うべきかを示す二つの命令です。 一つ目の「隣人を自分のように愛しなさい」という命令は最も有名なものです。それはあなたが人からどのように扱われたいかを考えて、あなたの隣人をあなた自身と同様に扱うことを求めています。でも、これだけでは難しい命令です。 私たちは自分が他の人よりも優れていると思いやすいので、隣人を自分と同様に扱うためには、謙虚にならなければいけません。平等というのはとても大事なことだし、そのための努力を惜しんではならないのですが、簡単なことではありません。とても高い規範が要求されます。 二つ目に引用した箇所は、そこからさらに進むことを求めています。 私たちは他人を自分よりも価値のある存在とすべきなのです。それはイエス様が神であるにもかかわらずご自分を低くされたことを模範として考えられるものです。


Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. (Lev 19:18)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves (Phil 2:3)

There are two different commands about how we should treat other people.  The first one is the most famous: Love your neighbor as yourself.  It asks you to think about how you would want to be treated and then treat your neighbor as your equal.   This alone is a difficult command.  We often think we are better than others so we have to humble ourselves in order to give our neighbor equal treatment.  Equality is something we value and strive for, but it is not easy.  It’s a high standard.  Then the second passage asks us to go farther.  We are to value others above ourselves.  It comes in the context of the example of Jesus, who humbled himself even though he is God.

Here we are stretched even further.  I not only should treat my neighbor equally, I should treat them as better than me.  I should humble myself even further in order to do this.  I might be convinced my neighbor is my equal, but it is very hard to consider them as better.  This is the highest standard.  And in order to reach the high point, we need to lower ourselves and throw away our pride.  We have Jesus as our example: the God of the highest standard and love who made himself the lowest for us.  Only through his power and transformation in our lives can we aspire to such great standards of living.