証明可能な真実 Verifiably True


証明可能な真実 Verifiably True



パウロが書いた手紙のこの一節はかなり驚くべきものです。これはイエスが地上での生涯を終えた約30年後に書かれたものです。第一に、パウロはイエスについて書かれた聖書のことを述べています。 それは、イエスの生涯について書かれた福音書がすでに存在していたことを示しています(おそらくマルコ、マタイ、ルカの3つの福音書のことでしょう)。イエスを直接知っている人たちは、イエスの言葉や行いについて書き留めていたのです。 第二に、パウロは時間をかけて、イエスが復活したのを目撃した人々をすべてリストアップしています。500人以上の証人がいて、パウロがこれを書いた時点では、そのほとんどの人がまだ生きていました。だからこの話の真偽を確かめようと思えば、目撃者に直接会って聞くことができました。パウロは最後に自分自身もリストに入れています。

私たちは復活の目撃者に直接会って話を聞くことはできません。でも、彼らがイエスの復活を事実として信じていたことは明らかです。パウロはこの事実が確認できるものであることを強調しました。彼らの記録は私たちのために聖書の中に保存されています。 2000年後の今、私たちは彼らの言うことを信じるか信じないかを選ばなければなりません。しかし私たちがそれを信じるとき、それは人間が作った伝説やおとぎ話ではなく、確かに真実だと言えるものを信じていることになるのです!

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born. (1 Cor 15:3-8)

When people believe in Jesus, it may seem like they are believing in a fairy tale.  It’s a nice religious story that happened a long time ago.  It can improve our lives and make us a better person.  But it’s not true, is it?  By reading the Bible, we can understand many things.  One thing we can say is: the people living at the time were talking about something that was true and they could verify. 

This passage in a letter written by Paul is rather amazing.  It is written about 30 years after Jesus’ life on earth.  Firstly, Paul refers to Scriptures about Jesus.  That means that there were Gospels already written about the life of Jesus (most likely Mark, Matthew and Luke).  The people who knew Jesus wrote down what he said and did.  Secondly, Paul takes time to list all the people who are witnesses to the fact of Jesus’ resurrection.  There are over 500 witnesses, and most are still alive at the time of Paul’s writing.  If someone wanted to check the story, they could still interview the witnesses.  Paul also includes himself on the list. 

We don’t have the opportunity to interview the witnesses to the resurrection, but it is clear that they believed Jesus’ resurrection as a fact.  Paul emphasized that this fact could be verified.  Their records are preserved for us in the Bible.  2000 years later, we have to choose to believe what they say.  When we choose that, we are believing in something verifiably true, not a man-made legend or fairy tale!