私にとって益となる For My Benefit
この聖句について、友人とかなり深い話ができました。世界中の多くの人々が、「苦しい時もあなたのためになる」とか「苦しみはあなたを強くする」といったことを信じています。では、クリスチャンも同じように信じているのでしょうか? 多くの人々が考えていることは、上の聖句が言っていることと何が違うのでしょうか? ここから先を読む前に、少し考えてみてください。
ここには大きな違いがひとつあります。苦しい時は私にとって益となるかもしれないし、そうでないかもしれません。しかし、神様なしでは誰も私にとって益となるような手助けをしてくれないのです! ここで重要なのは「神が(すべてのことを)働かせて」というところです。神様は私たちの生活の状況が神様にとって善いものとなるように働かれるのです。神様の働きがなければ、私たちがその働きをしなければならないでしょうし、そうなると、すべてを善いものにするなんて、とても無理ですよね。
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rom 8:28)
I had an interesting conversation with a friend about this passage. A lot of people in the world believe something like “Hard times will be for your benefit”, “Suffering makes you stronger.” Then is that what Christians believe too? What is the difference between what the world thinks and the passage above? Please think about it before you keep reading.
There is one huge difference. Hard times may or may not benefit me, but without God, no one is helping me to benefit! One key phrase is “God works”. God is at work to make the circumstances in our lives turn into his good. If God was not at work, we would probably have to do the work, and it’s too impossible for us to make everything positive.
The other amazing word in this is “all things”. God is using all things; good, bad and in-between to shape us into his image. We are experiencing a world event we have never seen in our lifetimes with the COVID-19 virus. Every day there is bad news and uncertainty of our safety. In the midst of this, we can have assurance (“we know”) that God is going to work this for good. Yes, even something as horrible as this. How he does and when he does is up to him. We may not see it or understand it right away so we wait upon him in faith. How amazing it is to have such a solid assurance that God is at work all the time, in all things!