弱りはてた羊 Harassed Sheep


弱りはてた羊 Harassed Sheep





私は怒りを感じていました。彼はもっと丁寧な言い方で教えてくれてもよかったはずです。なぜあんな言い方をしてまで自分の遊ぶ空間を確保する必要があるのでしょうか? なぜ近所に住む私たちをあんな形で追い出したのでしょうか?

しかし、私はその日に読んだ聖句を思い出しました。イエス様は彼のことを迷える羊として見ています。彼もまた弱りはてた人の一人です。嫌がらせをされた羊はあなたに噛みつくこともあります! 彼らはあなたに思いやりを示しません。群衆に思いやりを示すことは、「あなた自身のようにあなたの隣人を愛しなさい」というのと同じくらい難しいかもしれません。思いやりを持つには強さと真の愛が必要です。赦しが必要です。これらは私がまだ求めなければいけないイエス様の特性です。イエス様のように、私たち全員が思いやりを持つことができるように祈りましょう。

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

(Matthew 9:36)

Two weeks ago, we cancelled our weekly services to for prevention of the COVID-19 virus.  We sent out a short Bible study from Matthew 9 that I read with my wife at home.  One of the verses that impacted me was that when Jesus looked at crowds of people, he saw them with compassion and that they were like sheep without a shepherd.  This passage challenged me to see people in the same way.  I shouldn’t see people as a nuisance or someone who gets in my way.  God sees with compassion; I should too.  I prayed for that.  I didn’t know that I would be challenged by that on the same day.

Later that day I took my kids outside to play.  These days when we have limited social contact, it’s important to stay active and healthy.  We walked to a ground nearby that has a play area.  I was immediately warned off by a man there with his daughter.  This is a private space!  This is only for people who live in this building!  This isn’t a public park!  This information was fine, but the way it was said and done, especially in front of my 3 kids was very unwelcoming.  It was rude and it made me feel ashamed though I was just trying to play with my kids.  We went to a public park instead with my kids asking me why we couldn’t enter the first place.

I was angry.  He could have given us that information in many other more polite ways.  Why does he need to protect his play area so much?  Why does he have to be so unwelcoming to his neighbor?

But then I remembered the Bible passage from that day.  Jesus sees him as a lost sheep.  He is a harassed individual.  Sometimes harassed sheep will bite you!  They will not have compassion on you.  Having compassion on the crowd can be as difficult as “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Having compassion takes strength and true love.  It requires forgiveness.  These are Jesus-like traits I still need.  May we all seek to have compassion in the way Jesus did!