聖書が教える忙しさ Biblically Busy


聖書が教える忙しさ Biblically Busy


みなさんは最近、忙しいですか? それとも、やることがなくて退屈していますか? 忙しいということについて、パウロは興味深いことを書いています。 彼はテサロニケの教会に「仕事をせず、おせっかいばかりして」いる人々がいると警告しています。この二つのこと(仕事をしない、おせっかいをする)を結びつけているのが面白いですね。私たちは仕事をしていないとき、首を突っ込んではならないことが気になったりします。他人の領分に干渉して、自分のことを棚上げにしてしまいます。テサロニケの場合は、怠惰な人がうわさ話をするようになり、トラブルを引き起こしていました。


We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat.  And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. (2 Thess. 3:11-13)

Are you staying busy these days?  Are you feeling bored when there isn’t much to do?  Paul writes some interesting things about staying busy.  He warns the church in Thessalonica that some people are “idle and disruptive.”  It is interesting to tie these two ideas together.  When we are idle, we look to for something to get involved in that we probably shouldn’t.  We get into others’ business and don’t mind our own.  In this case, the idle people started gossiping and causing trouble. 

The solution to this problem has two parts: do something to take care of your own needs.  Be active and productive.  Work for your own food.  Manage your own business.  The second part is even more important:  never tire of doing what is good.  Paul doesn’t promote a busy lifestyle because busyness is good by itself.  It’s a good thing to stay active so we can do good.  We can serve others.  We can give our energy so others will know God’s love.  While we need to find a balance in work and rest, God teaches us that an active life has benefits.  We start to take care of our own business instead of looking at others’ faults, and we can use our energy to help them instead.  That is biblical busyness!