クリスマス革命 Christmas Revolution
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty. (Luke 1:51-53)
Preparing for Christmas, we read the stories leading up to the birth of Christ. We hear about the angel’s message to Mary that she will have the Son of God and about the special night when Jesus was born. In our movies and on our Christmas cards, the scene is peaceful, loving and welcoming.
But Mary had something very different in mind as she thought about carrying the Savior in her womb. She sings a song to her relative Elizabeth in Luke 1. She praises God because things are going to change. She doesn’t sing about a Silent Night. She sings about a revolution. It is a moral revolution where the proud are scattered but the humble are lifted up. It is a political revolution where rulers are brought down. It is an economic revolution where the hungry are satisfied and rich get nothing. Justice is coming. God is going to set the world right.
Mary lived at a time when the Roman empire ruled her area. She looked forward to God establishing his kingdom on earth and immoral leaders being called to justice. We celebrate many things about Christmas: God’s love for us and plan of salvation. But let’s remember that Jesus’ coming was a revolution. God is going to start to make the world right again. He remembers the humble and poor in spirit and is taking action on their behalf. Mary knew Christmas was a revolution. Are we hungry for a change like she was?