死ぬのは自然なこと? Death by Natural Causes?
Some people say: “Death is just a part of life”. We try to comfort ourselves about the tragedy of death by thinking it is natural, usual, or inevitable. But death is not natural, and it was never supposed to be part of life. When God made Adam and Eve, he intended them to live forever here on this earth. When they disobeyed them, the awful consequence of this action is that they and everyone born after them, must die.
This week we look forward to celebrating Easter, when Jesus was resurrected from the dead. By rising from the dead, Jesus showed that he had defeated the power of sin and all its effects. More than that, Jesus makes a way for us to have eternal life. That eternal life happens in a real body, raised from the dead and glorified to be like Jesus. When we look forward to the kingdom of God coming, it means that we look forward to living in a real body on a real earth forever as we were originally intended. We will not float around like spirits or ghosts in a heaven that is strange to imagine. Jesus’ real body on this earth was raised again and later glorified. Someday he is going to come back to this earth in a real body.
Easter is where death was finally reversed. Jesus is the first one to walk through the door of death but come back to the side of life. He invites us to follow him through the door into eternal life. When his kingdom comes, living forever will be the only natural, usual and inevitable way.