プレゼントを与えるお父さん A Gift-Giving Father
“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! (Matt 7:9-11)
Now that we are into November, the next thing on children’s minds will be Christmas and Christmas presents. It’s very natural for kids to talk to their parents about what they want for their birthday or Christmas. Sometimes the toys they desire change throughout the year. It’s an ongoing conversation.
My son said he would like an airplane that flies in the sky. That gives me several options to think about. I could get him some kind of a drone or remote-control airplane. But they tend to be expensive and a little too advanced for a child his age. Plus, I have to consider if he would use it and where we could fly it. Another idea is a glider you can throw in the park. Finally, I could always get a toy airplane that doesn’t fly but he could pretend it flies.
Jesus refers to God as Father; not only his but ours as well. He wants us to understand and pattern our relationship with God as a father’s relationship with a child. I’m not sure what I’ll do with my son’s request, but anyway I am thinking about making his dream come true and seeing him enjoy some kind of airplane. Maybe it’s hard for us to imagine, but God is a Father too. He’s looking for ways to give us good gifts. Like an earthly father, he has to consider our situations and what is best for us. A five-year-old can’t take care of an expensive drone. Maybe later he will be ready for it. The glider may break easily, so perhaps a metal or plastic airplane is best for now. God has his timing and reasons for what he gives us.
When we approach God to ask for something, let’s remember that he is a perfect Father, knowing exactly what is best for us. And he wants to see us happy and enjoying what he gives just as we enjoy giving to children and seeing their joy. Let’s approach the Father with boldness and faith in his love and care for us!