人生を変える交わり A Life-Changing Partnership
I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. (Philemon 1:6)
Is there any benefit of being a part of a church community? Is involvement in a church a nice volunteer activity or is there something more to it?
Paul is writing a short letter to Philemon, who lives in Colossae. Philemon helps with a church that meets in his home and Paul calls him a “fellow worker” with him. Perhaps he was a kind of pastor of the church. In his opening greetings of the letter, Paul writes the sentence shown above. It’s actually a remarkable statement. Paul’s hope is that Philemon’s service and partnership will deepen his understanding of all the good things available to him by believing in Jesus Christ.
In other words, we have eternal life, relationship with a God who loves us, a transformation from death-producing ways to a character like God himself. And all of these things could be better understood by…partnership. People often say that it’s not good to be a Christian alone. It’s obvious and logical that when we meet with other Christians we have support, friendship and guidance. But we might have never thought that we can’t understand our salvation and grace without involvement with others.
When we serve other people and see their lives transform, we more deeply understand that God is at work transforming us too. When we have relational difficulty with other Christians and practice grace and forgiveness, we more deeply understand how we are forgiven by Jesus. When we study the Bible with others, we realize that we are limited in our point of view and understanding of spiritual truths. Paul’s prayer for Philemon applies to us too. May our partnership, our relationship, and our ties to the church community be effective for helping us truly understand every good thing Jesus Christ has given us!