命令か感情か? Command or Feeling?


命令か感情か? Command or Feeling?






And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us.(1 John 3:23)

As an English teacher, I have to teach imperative language.  That is the language of instructions or commands: “Sit down”, “Don’t run” etc.  They are usually actions we want someone to do or not do.  Then it’s rather incredible to read the above passage from the Bible and others like it.  There are two commands: “believe” and “love”.  We usually never use these verbs as commands. 

Believing seems to be up to each individual.  I believe in Hinduism, but you believe Buddhism.  It seems dependent on our background or our preference of what appeals to us.  In the same way, we could never tell someone to love something.  I love people that are different from the people you love.  I should never be told that have to like or love someone.

But God gives us the command to believe in Jesus and to love one another.  Elsewhere, we are commanded to love the Lord our God.  How could God command things that seem like feelings?  What if I don’t feel like believing in Jesus?  What if I don’t feel love towards God or other people?  God gives us this command because it is so important and it is something we can choose to obey.  Jesus is God’s Son and only way to salvation.  He is trustworthy and worthy of our faith and belief.  God is glorious and worthy of our admiration.  He is the source of love and worthy of our love.   People are made in God’s image and worthy of our respect and love. 

These are choices every human can make.  They are not dependent on our background or situation.  Through faith in Jesus Christ, he can change our hearts so we are able to obey these commands and we will want to as well.