弁解の余地なし! No Excuse!
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. (Romans 1:20)
In Japan it is easy to feel that Christianity is a very unfamiliar and foreign religion. The idea of one God who revealed himself through his son Jesus in the Middle East 2000 years ago feels very far away. Furthermore, Christianity spread in the west and took a long time to reach East Asia. But Paul writes that even though the details of Jesus and his salvation are being made known, since the beginning of the world God has revealed something about himself to all people. We call this “general revelation”. By looking at this physical world, we can see how complex and glorious it is. It tells us that there is one God behind it, he is powerful and divine (unlike humans). Paul argues that people are without excuse from knowing at least something about this God.
Even history is a kind of general revelation. We know about the accounts of Jesus from the Bible that are well-studied and available as information. Japanese history shows that the message of Jesus spread here over 400 years ago. I often tell my students that means Christianity has a longer history in Japan than in America! God has given all people a general revelation about himself, but it is up to us to pursue or accept it on a personal level. We need to hear about Jesus and the change he can make in our lives from other Christians. We need the personal touch of God’s Holy Spirit to come to believe and accept this knowledge as truth.
God wants all people to know him. He has given us clues about his character. We can help others fill in the details. We can come to know the love and salvation of God…no excuse!