買い戻されたということ Bought Back


買い戻されたということ Bought Back






If one of your fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells some of their property, their nearest relative is to come and redeem what they have sold. (Lev 25:25)

We have started a new message series called “House of Bread” focusing on the book of Ruth.  One of the key concepts in this story is “redemption.”  It’s a phrase that you will hear in the Old and New Testament, but it can feel a little far-removed from our experience or understanding.

At the time when God gave Israel his law, he set up rules and guidelines for worship, daily life, and even economics.  When people became poor or had hard times economically, they would sell their property to pay their debts.  As a last resort, they would sell themselves and their families to their debtor as a kind of slave.  They were to be treated with respect, but their labor and service belonged to their debtor. 

But God didn’t desire this situation as a permanent solution.  He wanted his people to be free.  The main way was to have a relative pay off their debts.  In this way they could keep their property and be free from debt.  Redeeming means buying something back.  In the process of being bought back, the poor person would receive their freedom.  They would also have their dignity returned.  They would have their own property and a chance for a better future because they could use the land to grow crops. 

Although this system seems foreign to us, it is important because redemption is exactly what Jesus has done for us.  As people who have made mistakes and followed our own way, we became debtors to sin.  We were helpless and poor slaves.  But Jesus paid a price to buy us back by giving his own life for ours.  He restores our dignity and gives us freedom from sin.  He also gives us an eternal future and hope of a life with him.  As we read about Ruth’s redemption, let us focus on the fact that we were in the same situation and bought back by Jesus, our redeemer.