畏れをもって主に近づく Drawing Near in Fear


畏れをもって主に近づく Drawing Near in Fear





神が恐れを引き起こすようなことをするという考えは、否定的なことのように思われます。「恐れ」は普通、私たちが怖がっていることを避けるという意味で使われます。私たちは自分が恐れているものを隠そうとします。しかし神への恐れ(畏れ)は逆の方向に働きます。詩篇 25:14は、それがまったく逆であることを示しています。私たちが主を「恐れる(畏れる)」とき、私たちは主を神として尊敬していることになるのです。主が全能であることを認めているのです。主を軽々しく、あるいは自分の都合に合わせて扱ったりしてはなりません。主は父なる神であり、私たちはその子として慎み深くあるべきなのです。


The Lord confides in those who fear him;
    he makes his covenant known to them.

(Psalm 25:14)

This past Sunday we considered the story in Acts 5 about Ananias and Sapphira.  They tried to look super spiritual by saying they sold their property and gave it all to the church.  When their lie was revealed to Peter through the Holy Spirit, they both fell down dead.  Luke comments that after these two died, a great fear seized the church and all who heard about it.

It seems negative to think that God would do something to cause fear.  “Fear” usually means we avoid the thing we are afraid of.  We run away.  We try to hide what we fear.  But the fear of God works in the opposite way.  Psalm 25:14 shows that it is quite the opposite.  When we “fear” the Lord, we respect him as God.  We acknowledge that he is all-powerful.  We don’t treat him casually or on our own terms.  We come humbly as his children and he our Father.

When we have a healthy fear and respect for God, he confides in us.  He lets us know about his special covenant.  He tells us his promises that he has made in love.  Those promises are for us.  Let’s have a healthy fear of the Lord, that he is powerful and in control.  As we do, we don’t run away, but we run closer to him.  He confides in us and comes close to us in a special way.