毎週のショッピングリスト Weekly Shopping List
日曜日、私達はこのリストを見て、今年私たちの中にもっと持ち合わせたい品性を一つ選び、それについて考えてみてください と問いかけました。一つのことに集中したり覚えておくのは簡単なことです。私たちは一日を通してそのことを覚えておけるよう神様に祈ることができます。友人やバイブルスタディのメンバーに思い出させてくれるよう頼むこともできるでしょう。それも素晴らしいアイデアですが 。。。今週だけでもこのリストの中に書かれている品性が、ひとつではなく、いくつも必要なのです!
For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. (2 Peter 1:5-7)
On Sunday I asked us to look at this list and think in particular about one character trait that we would like to have more of for this year ahead. I think it’s easy for us to focus on and remember one thing. We can remember to ask God for that throughout the day, we can share it with friends and bible study members and they can remind us as well. I still think that’s a great idea, however….this week I realize how many of these I need in my life!
I need perseverance for long-term challenges. These are problems that are not solved right away. I need self-control for my reaction to these problems and challenges. I need godliness to set my mind and heart on God first and not forget him in the midst of daily life. I need to be challenged with new knowledge of God and discovering something about him in the bible to refresh my mind. I can’t forget love because I don’t want to be focused on myself and not others!
Peter says that these traits are key to having a fruitful life and we need them in increasing measure. I’m going shopping for food later today. It’s amazing how much food we need every week. I keep coming back and buying basically the same food every time! As we go through this week maybe we are running out of some spiritual food and supplies. Let’s keep filling our spiritual shopping bags and carts by asking Jesus for his character. His divine power has given us everything we need!